June Building Manager Update

Spring/Summer Building Manager Meeting Materials

The Spring/Summer 2022 Building Manager Meeting was held on June 15, 2022 from 9am – 10:30am (via Zoom).

The meeting materials, including the presentation, Zoom recording, and other useful links from topics discussed in the meeting, are now available.

Reminder: Physical Plant Service and Labor Rates Set to Change

Rates for various FP&M services, including Physical Plant labor and architect/engineer design fees will change on July 1, 2022. These changes will align rates with current costs and provide the basis for ongoing, regular adjustments based on analysis of revenue and expenditures.

Reminder: Fiscal Year End and Funding Updates

Facility Managers responsible for maintaining funding on Physical Plant customer numbers (B#’s).

  • Please remember to review and update funding for the 2023 fiscal year (FY23).

  • To help you review your various customer numbers and the associated funding, please see report 1008 – Cust No Funding in AiM.

  • Any funding changes for FY23 must be submitted using the Customer Number Request/Update form.

If you have mass changes, questions, or concerns, please contact fpmbop@fpm.wisc.edu.

Reminder: Campus Wayfinding and Signage Policy Survey

Facilities Planning & Management and the Campus Planning Committee (via our workgroup) is in the process of updating the policy for Exterior Wayfinding and Signage on campus. This policy affects all exterior signage including art sculpture/donor plaques, banners, building and directions signs, temporary signs, and our campus gateway signs.

 You can provide feedback in three ways:

  • Fill out the 4 questions in the survey.

  • Email your feedback to Jonathan Bronk. Please put “Exterior Wayfinding Policy Feedback” in the subject line.

  • Attend our virtual meeting and “Open House” on June 30th, 2022 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am CST. There will be a 15-minute presentation at 9am, then the floor will open for feedback. You can join the Teams meeting here.

For your reference, please find the links below to the existing policies:

  1. Exterior Graphics, Wayfinding and Signage Polices and Design Guidelines

  2. Banner Policy

Please provide your feedback by July 1, 2022. You can refer to the survey questions to help you prepare for the virtual open house or to send your feedback via email.

Additional Resources

For more information and resources for building managers, please visit the FP&M Facility/Building Manager Tools page.