FP&M Updates for Building Managers (May 27)

Building Managers:

A Signage Update

Campus guidance for face coverings/masks has changed, affecting certain building signage.

  • Please remove interior signage related to masks and face coverings starting on June 2nd. (Signs cannot be removed until June 2, 2021.)
  • Face covering/mask signage should continue to remain posted at medical or health care facilities.
  • All other interior signage related to COVID-19 public health protocols should remain posted.
  • Physical Plant will start to clean the glass of exterior doors starting in early June and continue through the summer. Please remove the mask and face cover signs in-advance to address this change in policy.

There is a lot of face covering/mask signage that needs to be removed—getting it all will require attention to detail for removal wherever they are found. Thank you for all of your assistance in these efforts.

April Operations Report

The Physical Plant Operations Report provides a regular update on key areas with a special focus on current renovation and construction projects. Each report also includes one or more topics of special interest.

In this report, which covers April 2021, you will find updates about:

  • Preventive maintenance
  • Breakdowns and emergency calls
  • Projects completed in April
  • Office and mixed paper recycling
  • Summer renovation projects
  • Campus Interior Finish Standards & Guidelines

We hope this report provides you with both a high-level overview and the detail you need to understand the work we do to support UW-Madison’s mission of research, education, and outreach.

Additional Information

For more information about spring semester operations, including information about instructional spaces in use, custodial services, building access, and loading dock access, visit the FP&M Operational Status page.