Updates for Building Managers (August 7)

As a follow-up to the August 3 Building Manager meeting, we wanted to let you know about some recent updates to available guidance and protocols.

New and Updated Materials

See the Facility/Building Manager Tools and Returning to Campus Safely pages and COVID-19 Response resources.

Other Information

Interdepartmental and US Postal Mail. Interdepartmental mail and US postal mail are being delivered on their normal daily schedule when building access permits. Building managers should monitor their mailroom to determine whether mail has been delivered. Contact FP&M Campus Mail Services (uwcampusmail@fpm.wisc.edu) with questions or to arrange to pick up held mail.

Package Delivery. Contact MDS Customer Service at shopuw@bussvc.wisc.edu to request direct delivery of all parcel packages shipped to your facility when you are ready to resume responsibility for receiving and providing building access to UPS and FedEx drivers.

Procurement of PPE and Other Supplies. Designated staff in each School/College/Division are able to order COVID-related PPE and other supplies from Shop@UW. Check with your unit to confirm how PPE will be ordered and supplied to your facility and its occupants.

FAQ in Development

We are in the process of compiling Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) based on the questions that were submitted during the August 3 meeting and via email. Please continue to submit questions to avc@fpm.wisc.edu so that we can continue to build out the FAQ in ways that are most useful for you.