Service Building and Annex Commemoration Event

To make way for the new School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences (CDIS) building, the Service Building and Service Annex will be torn down later this year. 

Tuesday, May 17, the Division of Facilities Planning & Management hosted an event to commemorate the Service Building and Service Building Annex, and the contributions of its occupants, both past and current.

With more than 400 attendees, we celebrated these facilities’ 100-year+ histories, and honored Physical Plant’s contributions to the campus over the years.

We are still capturing Physical Plant employees’ memories! We are interested in everyone’s story. 

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Share your memories

We are collecting oral histories about the Service Building and Annex, and we would love to hear from you. Interested in sharing your memories and stories? Please contact Jenee at

Thank you to the Planning Committee:

Executive Sponsors: Cindy Torstveit –  Associate Vice Chancellor, FP&M
Margaret Tennessen –  Deputy Associate Vice Chancellor, FP&M

Committee Members: Jim Bogan –  Interim Executive Director, FP&M Physical Plant
Kris Ackerbauer, Gary Brown, Keni Feuling, Nicole Frick, John Harrod, Paul Jasenski, Jenee Jerome, Steve Wildeck, Lori Wilson, Matt Wornson