
Lakeshore researchers learn to fight weeds by studying them

UW-Madison students help a collaboration between the Lakeshore Nature Preserve and weed scientist Mark Renz that is researching how to best control invasive species in disturbed environments in the preserve. Read full article at:

Madison ordinance would tighten restrictions on moped parking

Madison officials are looking to address congested moped parking in shared public areas by creating a stricter set of rules that would keep sidewalks and terraces clear of the vehicles. Read full article at:

Former governor’s mansion may become hotel with cafe and event space

The owners of a prominent bed-and-breakfast hope to convert the historic former governor’s residence in the Mansion Hill neighborhood to a small hotel with café and event space. Read full article at:

Coming Attractions

Most recent Campus Master Plan focuses less on building projects and more on proposals for infrastructure upgrades, landscape architecture improvements, and making outdoor spaces more usable. Read full article at: