UW-Madison proposing nine-story chemistry building renovation

There is a $112 million nine-story renovation of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Daniels Chemistry Building slated for opening in the fall of 2019. Read full article at: http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/govt-and-politics/uw-madison-proposing-nine-story-chemistry-building-renovation/article_a082f4ac-3048-5448-9a24-8d616f956ff5.html

UW facilities director leaving for Texas post

Bill Elvey, associate vice chancellor for facilities planning and management, is becoming senior vice president at Children’s Health System in Texas. Read full article at: http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/education/university/uw-facilities-director-leaving-for-texas-post/article_4f650719-88f1-55de-b22f-a9ebb28d1088.html

UW-Madison has fewer parking spots than most peer campuses

UW-Madison students and faulty are finding alternative transportations methods as a result of the UW-Madison campus having fewer parking spaces than any of its 22 peer universities. Read full article at: http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/education/university/uw-madison-has-fewer-parking-spots-than-most-peer-campuses/article_7d3d03c2-cf39-57c6-ae1f-6c1748bba390.html

UW-Madison’s historic Knapp House going on sale

After serving as home to some of Madison’s elites, 17 Wisconsin governors and generations of UW-Madison graduate students, the 161-year-old Knapp House is looking for new owners. Read full article at: http://host.madison.com/wsj/lifestyles/home-and-garden/uw-madison-s-historic-knapp-house-going-on-sale/article_48dd8f46-d8c9-5273-97f5-5072e4b6b154.html