Cleaning and disinfection is a shared responsibility among everyone on campus. Maintaining a healthy environment requires frequent cleaning and disinfection throughout the day. Some areas are cleaned and disinfected by campus custodians; other areas are the responsibility of the occupants and/or users of that space.
Campus custodians are focusing their efforts on cleaning and disinfecting the following areas:
- Building common spaces (e.g., entries, lobbies, corridors, elevators, and restrooms).
- Classrooms Scheduled for Fall 2020.
- Virtual Learning and Assessment Rooms (list forthcoming).
In addition, FP&M will stock cleaning and disinfection supplies in both scheduled classrooms and virtual learning and assessment rooms (in addition to hand sanitizer dispensers in common areas).
Work units are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting their offices, laboratories, conference rooms, etc. as well as for removing trash and recycling to a central location in their building.
Campus units are also responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of spaces they make available to faculty, staff, and students that are not scheduled classrooms or virtual learning and assessment rooms.
FP&M recommends that campus units encourage the users of these spaces to clean their immediate area (e.g., table, desk, etc.) before and after use in the same way that students and instructors will clean their workspace in classrooms. FP&M does not stock cleaning supplies for these spaces; campus units should procure cleaning and disinfection supplies from Shop@UW (using the existing process for acquiring COVID-related supplies) and provide these supplies to occupants and/or users of these spaces.
Please keep in mind that campus custodial resources are limited and cannot be expected to service departmental spaces (other than scheduled classrooms or virtual learning and assessment rooms).
More Information
See the Overview of Cleaning and Disinfection and the documents linked therein.