Groundbreaking: Babcock Hall Dairy Plant and Center for Dairy Research

The UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will hold a ground-breaking ceremony on September 7, 2018 for the Babcock Hall Dairy Plant Renovation & Center for Dairy Research Addition project.

This $47 million project will add 54,650 square feet to Babcock Hall and remodel an additional 29,700 square feet to support the programmatic needs of both the Babcock Dairy Plant and the Center for Dairy Research.

Major components of the project include a production dairy plant, dairy research laboratories and small-batch production facilities, large freezers and coolers, food application laboratories, a large classroom/seminar space, offices, and support spaces for the Babcock Dairy Plant and Center for Dairy Research.

This project is managed by UW-Madison Facilities Planning & Management in collaboration with the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Facilities Development and Management.

To register this ground-breaking ceremony, please visit: